Share your favorite anime series or movies by connecting your Discord account on Crunchyroll! By linking up you can show off what you are watching, or dive into epic discussions with your fellow otaku.
Follow this step-by-step guide to figure out how to connect your Crunchyroll account to your Discord account:
- Login to your Crunchyroll Account.
- Go to Settings> Connected Apps.
- Click on Connect next to the Discord listing.
- Login to your Discord account at the prompt.
- Follow the provided instructions to connect your accounts!
How do I disconnect my Crunchyroll account from Discord?
If you feel like it is time to say goodbye between your Crunchyroll and Discord accounts, you can disconnect them using two different methods, check them out down below:
Disconnecting from Crunchyroll Account Settings:
- Go to Settings > Connected Apps.
- Locate the Discord listing and click Disconnect.
- Follow the provided instructions to disconnect your accounts!
Disconnecting from Discord User Settings
- Locate the User Settings in discord and find the Crunchyroll application
- Click on the Deauthorize button associated with the Crunchyroll application to revoke access and delete the connection.
There are some things to note when it comes to disconnecting your accounts:
- You can only link one Discord Account to your Crunchyroll Account, and it will be tied to your primary profile.
- When you hit that Deauthorize button in Discord, it revokes access from the Crunchyroll application and deletes the connection.
- To make sure everything is shipshape, make sure to click the Disconnect button on the Crunchyroll side as well. A good warrior checks all bases!
- Clicking the Disconnect button on Crunchyroll ensures the connection status is updated properly.