- If you placed an order on store.crunchyroll.com before July 8 2024, it will still be shipped on time.
- To view the order status, or order history for orders placed before July 8, 2024, go to store.crunchyroll.com and select US/Global from the Region drop-down.
- From the store homepage, log into your account by clicking the account icon in the top right and selecting LOG IN.
- Once logged in, you can select ORDERS from the left menu under Account Overview and select OPEN ORDERS or ORDER HISTORY.
- Also, while logged in, you can select MY ORDERS from the account drop-down menu in the top right of the page.
- If you are not logged in, or you check out as a Guest, you can also select the ORDER STATUS option from the account drop-down menu in the top right of the page. To look up your order you will need your order number, email and billing postal code.
If you have any difficulties or questions regarding your order, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience and will continue to monitor our systems to ensure a smooth and seamless user experience.
To contact our Support Team, please follow the steps below:
- Go to this link: https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
- Go to the bar that says “Please choose your issue below”
- Set the issue type “E-commerce”
- Please enter your preferred email address in the designated field, where we can reach out to you.
Note: If you placed a pre-order before the store migration took place, please note that these pre-orders can only be accessed by referring to the original order confirmation email that was prior to the migration.
For a detailed guide on Pre-orders, please see our Store FAQ here under the label “Pre-Orders”.