Where can I purchase a Crunchyroll gift card?
You can snag a Crunchyroll gift card from our store!
How do I redeem a Crunchyroll gift card?
Redeem your Crunchyroll gift card on our website and unlock the magic!
What if I already have a subscription? Can I use my gift card?
Yes, brave subscriber! If your payment method is credit card or PayPal you can redeem your gift card immediately. However, if you are using a third-party processor (Google Play, iTunes, Roku, etc.), you will need to wait until your current subscription ends, or the gift card will run simultaneously with your existing subscription.
Here's some additional information to consider:
- Higher than your current plan, the benefits start immediately. At your next billing cycle, you will be prorated for the amount remaining in the billing cycle the gift card doesn't cover.
- The same, your next bill will be prorated for the amount of time not covered by the gift card.
- Lower than your current plan, the gift is applied after your current plan expires or is canceled by you.
What if I don’t currently have a Crunchyroll paid membership?
No worries! You can redeem the card even if you are not a member. Just set up a new account. If you want to continue with your membership you can add a payment method by going to Settings > Membership Info > Manage Payment Method.
Note: New subscribers will not be asked to provide a payment method, but the subscription will expire at the end of the gift card period.
How do I redeem a gift card for a subscription through a third party and mobile app?
Oh no! It looks like you can not redeem a gift card for a subscription through our mobile app because it is tied to a third party (iOS, Android, Roku) platform. But fear not! To redeem it, you will need to cancel your subscription with your current provider and then resubscribe directly with Crunchyroll. Do not sweat, you will not lose any of your Watch History or account information. Once you have resubscribed, go ahead and redeem that gift card! Let’s power up and get you back to streaming your favorite anime in no time!
Can I redeem a Crunchyroll gift card purchased in a different country?
Sorry, adventurer, gift cards can only be redeemed in the same country they were purchased.